our projects

Floor Plan on Demand

Floor plan drafting specialists

Floor Plan On Demand provides professional floor plan drafting and designer services in Wollongong and Greater Sydney.

The team uses the latest drafting and measuring tools to create a customised floor plan that brings a property to life, promotes the key features of a home and ultimately helps it to sell.

Website Design & Development

We had the opportunity to design and develop a dynamic website for Floor Plan On Demand. We crafted a visually appealing and user-friendly website that features their range and offerings, highlighting their commitment to quality, precision, and customer satisfaction. We also integrated booking functionality, allowing clients to easily schedule appointments and consultations online. This streamlined booking system enhances user experience, enabling potential customers to conveniently access Floor Plan On Demand’s services and engage with their team. Through our tailored website solution, we have helped Floor Plan On Demand enhance their digital presence, drive customer engagement, and facilitate seamless interactions with their target audience.

Paid Advertising

Our paid advertising strategy was designed to target custom audiences aligned with their specific business objectives. By focusing our ads on the desired clientele, such as real estate agents, house builders, developers, and renovation specialists, we ensured that our campaigns reached the most relevant audiences. Our strategic goals were to create awareness of Floor Plan on Demand’s services, drive traffic to their website, and enhance their SEO rankings. These efforts were crucial in making their services more visible and accessible online. The improvement in SEO rankings had a tangible impact, leading to an increase in inquiries through calls and submissions on the lead form provided on their website. Each of these interactions provided an opportunity to convert prospects into new clients, demonstrating the effectiveness of our targeted paid advertising campaigns in expanding their customer base and increasing their reach.

Social Media Management

Following the launch of their new website, we initiated Floor Plan on Demand’s social media presence with a strategy designed to enhance brand awareness and complement their online offerings. Our approach mixes informative content about their floor plan design and drafting services with engaging visuals that highlight the friendly faces of the team and their clients. By showcasing their expertise in creating detailed plans for homes, commercial spaces, and real estate projects, we emphasise the accuracy and professionalism that set them apart in the Wollongong and Greater Sydney areas. Additionally, we ensure that the social media feed is not only aesthetically pleasing but also well-rounded, incorporating key dates and community-focused initiatives like “Are You Okay Day” to foster a sense of connection and responsibility. This balanced content strategy helps portray Floor Plan on Demand as a community-oriented business while also driving engagement.

Graphic Design & Animation

Floor Plan on Demand required engaging visuals with their bold branding. Embracing the company’s dynamic vision, we crafted designs across their brand collateral, digital platforms and social media that made a statement, and left a lasting impression. Every element was considered to reflect the essence of Floor Plan on Demand’s brand identity. We incorporated vibrant colours, bold typography, and engaging imagery to create visuals that resonated with their target audience, allowing them to stand out in a crowded market. Our designs not only captured the attention of potential clients but also conveyed professionalism and expertise, instilling confidence in Floor Plan on Demand’s services.

Videography & Photography

In our videography and photography efforts for Floor Plan on Demand, our primary objective was to effectively showcase their services, while also providing a behind-the-scenes look at the process involved in creating detailed floor plans. Our content strategy focused on producing engaging and informative visuals that could help expand their organic audience by highlighting the precision and care taken in each project. Additionally, capturing testimonial videos became a crucial part of our approach. These testimonials feature clients discussing their positive experiences with Floor Plan on Demand, offering personal insights and endorsements of the company’s professionalism and the quality of the final products. These testimonials are not only persuasive but also add a human element to the brand, making it more relatable and trustworthy to potential clients. By combining service showcases with real client stories, we enhance the overall narrative of Floor Plan on Demand, demonstrating their expertise and customer satisfaction in a compelling and accessible way.